New research on the 'ghost' mystery of the cosmic model

This finding helps researchers have a better view of a missing model in the universe.

This finding helps researchers have a better view of a missing model in the universe.

Recently, researchers at the University of Liège in Belgium announced the discovery of the mysterious "ghost" model in the universe - the connection of a supermassive black hole.

Black holes (or black holes) are known to everyone as strange objects in the universe. The black hole is a space with a density so thick that even light cannot escape.

Picture 1 of New research on the 'ghost' mystery of the cosmic model

Black holes exist in many different forms, from cosmic objects with masses of stars to super-massive monsters, located in the center of the galaxy.

Observing the strange point at the Observatory in Chile, experts found there was a strange association of giant interstellar objects - called quasars . These giant stars merge together into a long band, which is billions of light-years away.

Quasars are the brightest and most distant objects known in the universe . In fact, they light and release so much energy that they are thought to produce 10 - 100 times the energy of the entire Milky Way in an area of ​​only the size of the Solar System.

Picture 2 of New research on the 'ghost' mystery of the cosmic model

The European team studied 93 quasars that are linked into one group at a time when the universe is only about one-third the current age.

Professor Hutsemékers, who led the study, said: "The odd thing is that we have a number of quasars with axes that are self-linked to the tumor, although in theory the quasars are separated by rows. billion light-years away, not only are the axes interconnected, but they also combine with the structures of the universe on a large scale. "

Picture 3 of New research on the 'ghost' mystery of the cosmic model

However, the distribution of these quasars is not uniform. Individuals form a space grid with fibers, with moderate distance. This creates a large-scale structure but beautifully arranged.

Dominique Sluse - a researcher at the University of Liege said, there is a certain correlation between quasars and structures about black holes as well as the evolution of our universe .

He added: "With these new data received, this may be a suggestion of the missing model in our vast universe."

Reference: Daily Mail

Update 17 December 2018



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