Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

With these scientific methods and the help of the brain, it is difficult for anyone to deceive you ...

With these scientific methods and the help of the brain, it is difficult for anyone to deceive you .

Knowing in advance what people will do, reading thoughts, other people's minds is always the dream that every individual wants to achieve. Imagine, if the brain helps you to master that superhuman ability, you will easily succeed in life, becoming the 'king' in your own 'kingdom' .

With the development of science and many in-depth studies, we can finally come very close to the threshold of possessing that ability .

From accidental discovery of 'mirror neurons'

In 1996, while surveying the Macaque monkey brain, three scientists happened to discover a cluster of nerve cells in the animal cortex, responsible for responding to behavioral plans.

More surprisingly, this part not only works when the Macaque monkey does something but works even when he sees a gesture, even the smallest of the monkey. Because of the ability to react especially when stimulated by the action of another individual, the experts named the neuron cluster as a "mirror neuron".

Picture 1 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

The brain study of Macaque monkey has opened a new page for the development of science "thinking thinking"

Later, the "mirror neurons" have also been shown to exist in humans. Scientists even claim that this type of neuron possesses the ability to respond well to feelings, behavior, and emotions.

Marco Iacoboni, a neuroscientist at the University of California, said: "The mirror mirror shows how we pretend to play other people. In other words, with mirror neurons, we simply read the minds of others'.

Picture 2 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

Mirror neurons are the key to super-hidden abilities

. theories come out .

From the discovery of 'mirror neurons' , experts began to form two theoretical systems with the desire to acquire the ability to read others' minds: theoretical theory and simulation theory .

The theory of theory describes our ability to feel the minds of others, formed in the process of learning and development. The brain will collect data from other people's behaviors, gestures and reactions, thereby helping us predict their feelings in the future when similar things repeat.

Picture 3 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

Meanwhile, simulation theory asserts that it is a natural prediction. According to Vittorio Gallese, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma, Italy, when it comes to contact with others, the brain and especially the "mirror neuron" have done more than we think.

When communicating, the brain reconstructs the image of the opposite person in the brain, simulating all their activities and emotions in our heads. That's why we have sympathy for the people around us, simply because the brain looks like it will be like that and recreates the same emotions in our heads.

. to the method of reading other people's minds .

However, science still stops at the level of access to this hidden ability of humans. The important thing is that below, we will come up with other 'reading skills' methods mentioned by Dr. David J. Lieberman in 'You Can Read Anyone' - documenting the FBI, CIA, NSA and others. managers in more than 400 US companies use.

The first method has the name 'contradictory event'. This method assumes that if you suspect who is a liar, tell them what you know about the lie and add some details that you are sure the person knows is wrong.

Picture 4 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

For example, if you want to know if a child eats the cake in the cupboard, just ask him if he eats the candy in the refrigerator? You know there is no candy in it and if the child clings to the candy details and replies that 'there is no candy in the cupboard!' then you have reason to doubt it. Simply because often, a deceiver tends to distract others by clinging to ridiculous details that he knows for sure.

Picture 5 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

A simple test to know who is a bum in the kitchen

The second method is 'advice' . Doubt someone, ask their advice about the problem you are suspicious of. If he is naturally, happily discussing the story, you may be wrong. But the person who intentionally conceals it is different, they will have strange expressions if asked to hit the black heart and just pay a little attention, you will "catch" it.

Picture 6 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

Ask the suspect to steal your stuff, "What would you do if you caught my robber?"

The third method is called 'attention' . You can imagine this way through a classic example: When you want to investigate who sold your company's internal information to your competitors, let suspects see about 3.4 names. Competitors, including those who buy your company's internal information.

Then ask the suspects who they think is the culprit to distract and observe. Subconsciously, the information seller will pay more attention to the name of the person he sold the information to and be keenly aware that you know the hidden truth.

Picture 7 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

The traitor will definitely stop looking longer than the file whose name he sold the information to

Another popular method is to take advantage of the deceitful character of always trying to be clean. For a problem with only one solution and everyone knows, ask the suspicious person what they do about it. Most liars will find ways to respond in a round and ineffective manner.

The fifth method is named 'manifest'. It is proposed based on a scientific basis that people tend to eliminate all links to what they are hiding without knowing the actions that are intended to make them more suspicious.

For example, doubting that your relatives secretly smoke, pretend to read the newspaper and speak in front of him by chance. 'It turns out that when people are addicted to cigarettes, people often drink less water.' If suddenly from that day the listener often deliberately drank water in front of you, then perhaps you can confirm your doubt.

The last method that David J. Lieberman mentioned in his book is 'confidence and pressure' . Usually, a person who does not hide or do anything wrong will be very comfortable and confident in any small action. However, a deceitful person and fear of others discovering his job is always under tremendous pressure.

Picture 8 of Others 'reading thoughts' are used by the FBI and CIA

Do you recognize the liars or careless in the smallest actions like pouring water?

Experts prove that, when lacking confidence, people pay close attention to themselves, even with simple things like pouring water, pulling chairs . The gazes are constantly gazing at, practicing moving slowly, being overly cautious . it is a self-denouncement of other people's wrongdoing if you pay attention.

Interim: With the ability to "read thoughts" of others will help us be more proactive in life, confidently respond to and deal with any unexpected situation. However, if you use too many recipes, you will become a person who always lives in doubt about others. Learn to believe, that is the true goal of life.

Update 18 December 2018



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