Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Unesco's Science and Education Organization has recognized Canada's dinosaur fossil park as a World Natural Heritage in 1979.

Unesco's Science and Education Organization has recognized Canada's dinosaur fossil park as a World Natural Heritage in 1979.

Park dinosaur fossil - World Natural Heritage in Canada

The dinosaur fossil park is located in the province of Alberta about 48 km northeast of Brooks. The terrain of the park is very barren, a topography commonly found in North America. The park is also located in the area of the Red Deer River valley , which is the hottest and dryest area in Alberta.

Picture 1 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

The park is famous for being home to the largest number of dinosaur fossils ever found. There are about 45 dinosaurs discovered in the park with thousands of fossils found. Among them, more than 500 samples are currently on display at dinosaur museums around the world. The most precious is the 150 skeletons that have been fully assembled from the fossils found at the park. Currently 150 such bones are on display in 30 museums around the world.

Picture 2 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 3 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 4 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Geologic, geomorphic is extremely special at the Dinosaur Park in Canada

According to historians, this park is a large coastal plain that was formed 75 million years ago. The whole area is natural meadows, stretching over a clay-rich terrain. The clay here has a very special bright red color and is a source of nutrition for the growing black fern species.

This special soil is formed from tens of millions of years by large creatures from amphibians to living dinosaurs . When they die, their bones are buried in the ground and mud. For thousands of years these skeletons have become sandstone, soft schist . The compounds that have been transformed from the bodies of these large animals form nutrients that convert the soil into the soil. lightning like today.

Picture 5 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Complete dinosaur skeletons were found after excavations at the burgeoning dinosaur fossil park in museums around the world.

About 15,000 years ago, the area was flat and covered with a 600-meter-thick ice sheet. During the ice age , this ice has melted to form gulps, small streams on the cliffs . Lush soil has formed a subtropical forest with hundreds of large and small animals growing. However, today, this is a dry area, with a typical climate of North America.

Picture 6 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 7 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

There have been many searches and excavations held at this fossil park . In particular, the excavation projects carried out from 1979 to 1991 yielded a total of 23,347 fossil specimens. Of the 300 dinosaur bones found, there are 150 complete sets. So far these skeletons are precious assets displayed and preserved at 30 museums around the world. In addition, archaeologists also found fossils of many species such as turtles, fish, amphibians and marsupials.

Picture 8 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 9 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 10 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 11 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 12 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 13 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 14 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

A number of incomplete dinosaur fossils and some fossils of other species are also found at the Canadian Dinosaur Fossil Park.

So far, dinosaur fossil park is still the habitat of many animals and is a popular tourist destination in Canada. Zoologists and botanists say there are more than 150 species of birds, including endangered species that are currently growing at this dinosaur fossil park, such as: Golden Eagle, Kite Iron rust, grasshopper sparrow . In addition, the park has a semi-arid flora that is also threatened by extreme changes in climate and weather.

Picture 15 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Picture 16 of Park of dinosaur fossils - Canada

Alberta's dinosaur fossil park is recognized by the Unesco Organization under the criteria (vii), (viii).

Criterion (vii): Dinosaur park is a prominent evidence for the process of geological change from river erosion to semi-arid steppe. However, the lands that need to be built up to now have become a special natural landscape with rare beauty.

Criterion (viii): The dinosaur fossil park in Alberta is home to the largest number of dinosaur fossils in the world. At the same time, there are many complete dinosaur bones found so far with 150 bones displayed in 30 museums around the world.

Update 18 December 2018



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