People will migrate to Mars

The current exploration of Mars has entered a decisive stage: bringing people to Mars. Initially will build a base on the Moon - a stop from which to launch a spacecraft onto Mars. Russia is expected before 2025, the US - 2018 put people on the Moon and then on Mars. Why do we need to do that?

From time immemorial, people noticed the only red star in the night sky; Because of that red color, Westerners took the name of the Roman mythology god Mars, naming it - that is Mars.

The planet is surveyed most closely

In 1877, the Italian astronomer Schiaparelli used a Mars observation telescope to see long lines that he called " canals (canali)". Later, Lowel (the American) also saw this and deduced that these were man-made canals. Hence the ' Martian ' hypothesis. People imagine they are human-like creatures, big heads, big eyes, pale skin.

Picture 1 of People will migrate to Mars

Search for life on Mars
(Photo: Paloaltodailynews)

HG Wells's World War novel (1989) has written about the ' Martians ' invading Earth.

Ray Bradbury's famous novel The Annals of the Annals tells the story that Mars is the home of astronauts to explore and stay, giving birth to children, while humans on Earth have annihilated because of a nuclear war.

Venus and Mars are the two planets closest to Earth. Venus is as big as the Earth and closer to us.

Since 1962 human beings have launched ships to explore and found that the surface of Venus is as hot as 430 ° C (due to being too close to the Sun and due to the greenhouse effect), there is no life. Later no one continued to understand Venus.

Compared to Earth, Mars has a diameter of 0.533, an area equal to 0.284. It spins a circle around the Sun for 687 days, so once every 2 years, 50 days is close to Earth, 15 - 17 years is once near us. Because of the distance from the Sun, the average temperature of the Martian surface is -63 o C (hottest 20 o C, coldest -140 o C). Mars has many similarities to Earth, such as the atmosphere, the steam, the freezing regions and the lava that encapsulates the planet.

Humans have the ability to transform Mars so that it has an environment like Earth - this process is called Earthforming, like growing lots of trees to make CO2 emit oxygen; put a large reflector in the sky to reflect the sun down to Mars and warm the climate, etc.

Why Mars is 50 to 400 million kilometers from Earth, Mars is difficult and expensive to explore. However, the Soviet Union and the United States have invested heavily in this. The main exploration target is: determining the possibility of ever having life on Mars; explore climate and geological situation and prepare to exploit Mars.

Only three years after launching Earth's first artificial satellite, the Soviet Union launched a spacecraft onto Mars.

So far, humanity has 38 times for spacecraft to fly on this planet, but only 15 times success: the Soviet Union 18 times (successful 3); America 17 times (successful 11); Japan once failed; Europe once succeeded and failed. Since 1996, Russia has not launched ships to Mars.

Why migrate?

The study of Mars also aims to find places for human habitation. For many years, Earth has been the ideal place to live for people, why do you think of migrating to Mars? Is it a fantasy, especially while on Earth there are countless unresolved issues? Besides, taking people to Mars will cost tens of times more than the Moon.

Mankind has been putting a lot of money, effort, even life into exploring other celestial bodies, first of all due to human nature: They want to learn everything to answer the question: Where do we come from and where will we go? That innate nature makes people different from animals.

Another reason: Humans are really at risk of being wiped out of the Earth by the many effects of nature and the people themselves. So to keep away, right now go find a place outside of Earth.

The earth is currently facing many risks. Firstly, people are getting more and more and more resources are running out. With the current rate of population growth and exploitation of natural resources, in about a century, Earth will not have enough room and energy for human life. Secondly, the ability of the Earth to meet the threat of humanity is destroyed. Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, ice poles dissolved, the climate warmed up . are very worrying. Nuclear war if it happens will completely destroy the Earth.

The most ominous is the collision of near-Earth objects, including comets and asteroids: just an asteroid as big as a football field falls to Earth is enough to destroy life in a wide area. The bigger asteroid, the more human beings disappear.

The genocide of the ancient dinosaurs was apparently caused by an asteroid 10 km in diameter hitting the Earth.

In 1908, a 100-meter asteroid fell into Siberia (Russia), disappearing creatures of about 2,000 km 2 .

In 2004, when the asteroid called Apophis (god of destruction) was approaching the Earth, scientists used to worry and discussed the project of launching a missile carrying a nuclear bomb to meet it and detonate it to drive it away.

Apophis is about 250 m long, in 2029 it will pass through the Earth at a distance of 30,000 km; and in the years 2035, 2036 and 2037 it will return to ' visit ' again; It is unknown what will happen if it enters the area pulled down by Earth's attraction.

The risk of asteroids colliding with the Earth is an obvious fact. As of August 22, 2007, 4,775 objects were discovered near Earth, including 720 asteroids of size 1 km or more, and 866 dangerous asteroids hitting Earth.

The history of the universe and the Earth once proved to be the 'end of the world' of life; although that day was far and away.

Recently, the legendary scientist Stephen Hawking has advocated: Humanity wants to exist, there is only a way to leave the Earth.

Many scientists also endorse the Moon's scheme to preserve DNA of all organisms on Earth - similar to Noah and Adam, Eva in the Bible. Reason: The ' gene banks ' on Earth cannot exist forever due to the risk of asteroids colliding or nuclear war. The above project was launched by 'Alliance for civilization' . In 1988, they once asked the US Congress to approve the 'Law of the Universe '.

Is there life on Mars?

In August 1996, the US Space Agency (NASA) introduced journalists to a 2-kilogram block of meteorite found in 1984 in the Antarctic, symbolized by ALH84001, that contained very microorganisms. Maybe fossils from Mars fall to Earth.

This news made a buzz, because it was the first time humanity had discovered extraterrestrial organisms, and proved that several billion years ago, there was life on Mars.If so, this is the greatest scientific discovery of the 20th century.

Ten years later, this theory is considered by many to be inaccurate.NASA also said that it is currently impossible to fully assert that Mars once had life, but certainly there is water, which means that conditions exist.Therefore, research continues, although very expensive and difficult.