Pessimistic forecast about the next 100 years

Australian scientists predict that climate change in the next 100 years will be much tougher than previously predicted.

Recently, there is a forecast of Reto Knutti, professor of Swiss Technical University in Zurich, giving the worst scenarios of climate change. Compared to the forecast in 2007, not including a few parameters but this scenario is full of horrors.

Picture 1 of Pessimistic forecast about the next 100 years
The environment and climate on Earth will become worse and worse in the next 100 years.

Knutti's model refers to population growth, energy demand per capita and mobilization of different energy sources. It is worth noting that in addition to nuclear power and renewable energy sources, scientists still pay attention to increasing the use of coal as fuel in the immediate future.

Considering the main source of raw materials is coal, even if only with the current energy demand, it will not reduce any amount of greenhouse gases (CO 2 ). By the end of the century, the world's population will reach 15 billion, per capita energy demand continues to increase at the current rate, by the year the total energy demand by 2100 will increase by 4 times. . How that situation affects planetary climate, anyone can guess.

Although Professor Knutti did not make hasty conclusions, only presented with a most pessimistic scenario, but he assured it would not happen because the human race was just waiting for it. It is important to consider and study all the parameters as you calculated.