Priority to use Truvada for gay men to fight HIV

Gay men who are at high risk of HIV infection should be prioritized to use Truvada-branded drugs daily to prevent the HIV virus from causing AIDS Acute Syndrome.

According to research by British scientists published in the Lancet medical journal, gay men who are at high risk of HIV infection need to be prioritized to use Truvada-branded drugs daily to prevent the HIV virus. causing AIDS immunodeficiency syndrome.

Preferably gay men use Truvada medicine

Through the allocation of Truvada in 2012-2014 to 544 men who were once homosexual without using condoms in the past 3 months or so, scientists found this to be an effective drug to protect This group avoided HIV by 90%.

In addition, the group of gay men who were given medication immediately with the group receiving the drug a year after having sex, the first group had an 86% lower risk of infection than the second group.

The study also shows that the rate of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, will be significantly lower for people who are taking this medicine daily.

Picture 1 of Priority to use Truvada for gay men to fight HIV

Blankets made by HIV infected people on St. Sophia Square in Ukraine.(Source: AFP / VNA).

In their study, scientists strongly supported the addition of exposure prevention methods (PrEP) , including the prescription of Truvada drugs, to current HIV prevention standards for those with Gay men are at risk of infection with this deadly virus.

However, there are some concerns that this prescription may increase unsafe sex due to the release of fear of HIV infection, leading to increase other sexually transmitted diseases.

Truvada drug prices are very high. The distribution of this drug in an Western European country is estimated at 7,000 euros / year ($ 7,700 / year).

Truvada is not yet widely accepted in the gay community, because it causes debates about erratic condom use, which exacerbates the already-plague HIV-AIDS epidemic. The lives of 36 million people worldwide during the past 3 decades.

However, the team of scientists believes that their study is an important step towards ensuring that access to PrEP in general and Truvada drugs is specifically for all who really need it.

Update 15 December 2018



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