Rare detailed image of sunspot
New images of the Sun's surface reveal sunspots and other structures in greater detail than ever before, CNN reported on May 25.
New images of the Sun's surface reveal sunspots and other structures in greater detail than ever before, CNN reported on May 25 .

One of the released images of the sunspot. (Photo: US National Solar Observatory).
The eight images - released by the US National Solar Observatory (NSO) on May 19 - were taken with the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope on Maui Island, Hawaii, USA.
Although the Sun is on a trend of increasing activity - with a peak in July 2025 - the images show a more peaceful side of the Sun's surface.
Images of sunspots show bright, hot plasma flowing toward the surface, while darker, cooler plasma flows downward. In the chromosphere —the upper atmosphere of the Sun—filament-like structures indicate the presence of electromagnetic fields.
Another image shows a sunspot that has lost most of its surrounding shadow. Researchers believe this is the final stage in a sunspot's ' life cycle' before it disappears.
Researchers also captured images of 'light bridges' - structures that span the darkest spots in sunspots. These complex 'bridges' have different shapes, which scientists believe is a sign that the sunspots are about to disappear.
The Inouye Telescope is considered the largest and most powerful telescope on Earth. Scientists hope it will help them answer questions about the Sun - including the origin of solar storms and decipher the complexities of the electromagnetic field surrounding the celestial body.
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