Rules of eating 'three should, two should not' help the stomach be healthy

Eat yogurt, brown rice porridge, drink atrium spectrum; Don't drink too much alcohol and carbonated soft drinks to prevent digestive disease.

Should eat brown rice porridge

Brown rice is mild, containing vegetable oil and protein to help protect the stomach wall, preventing ulcers. Eating brown rice porridge has the effect of warming and nourishing the stomach.

Picture 1 of Rules of eating 'three should, two should not' help the stomach be healthy
Brown rice porridge supports healing of the stomach and maintains a healthy digestive system.(Photo: Shutterstock).

Should eat yogurt

The habit of drinking yogurt helps promote bowel and stomach motility. This is one of the beneficial foods for the probiotic group in the stomach.

Protein and lactic acid in yogurt also help supplement stomach nutrition. After eating spicy food, you can eat some yogurt to neutralize the spicy stimulus, protect the digestive system.

Should drink tea atrium

Atrium is a drink made from black tea, through a fermentation process that helps beneficial microorganisms grow like wine. Tea has the effect of removing toxins and layers of fat and oil adhering to the walls of the stomach and intestines. Polyphenols in tea inhibit bacterial proliferation, helping the digestive system to be healthy.

Do not drink carbonated soft drinks

Carbonated soft drinks contain many chemical ingredients, coloring products, if abused, it makes people drink miasma and gas. People with a poor digestive system, if they regularly use this drink, will make the stomach wall thinning, the mucosa is damaged, causing many digestive diseases.

Don't drink alcohol

Drinking a lot of alcohol increases the risk of gastric mucosal injury, ulcerative, more serious than haemorrhage. Alcohol in alcohol has a strong stimulant, may contain many other harmful substances if produced unsafe.