Sadness makes life not high

Epidemiologists in the UK insist that people who are prone to getting bored will have a low life expectancy.

Two experts Annie Britton and Martin Shipley, from the University of London, UK, warned that boredom itself is not capable of killing people, but it could be a symptom that leads to other dead habits like Drinking alcohol, smoking, using substances or having mental problems.

The researchers analyzed the questionnaires completed between 1985 and 1988 for more than 7,500 people aged 35 to 55. These officials were asked if they felt bored in their work last month or is not. After that, Briton and Shipley listed the number of participants who had died before April 2009. People who are bored are 2.5 times more likely to die from heart disease than others.

Picture 1 of Sadness makes life not high

Depression is easy to lead to health hazards.Artwork: Corbis

Other experts also said that this study is only in the early stages but the relationship between boredom and the risk of increasing heart problems is completely grounded. 'People who are more likely to feel depressed lead to anorexia, do not want to exercise and do not have a cardiovascular lifestyle. This makes them more susceptible to dangerous cardiovascular diseases, 'said Dr. Christopher Cannon, Harvard University School of Medicine, and a spokesman for the American Heart School.

He added that people's boredom often leads to despair, which is the cause of stroke. Dr. Cannon said that it is possible that when people are bored, dangerous hormones in the body escape, putting pressure on the heart.

Meanwhile, Briton and Shipley affirmed that boredom is not the main cause of death. 'The boredom almost triggers other dangerous factors. That means people who are depressed will not have good health , 'they write.

Sandi Mann, a psychology lecturer at Central University of Lancashire, said that boredom is as dangerous as stress. 'Boredom is closely related to suppressing anger, which can increase blood pressure and prevent natural immunity in the body. People who are depressed tend to eat and drink more, ' she said.