Sausages are harmful to your child's digestive system

Many parents view sausages as a snack, favored by children, so they often give their children extra meals apart from the main meal. Although the sausage does not contain spices, this dish does not give children much nutritional value.

In the sausage ingredients only about 10% of natural meat, 30% are animal fat, skin and poultry meat. The rest are protein and fat emulsions, protein stabilizers as well as vegetable and water oils.

Picture 1 of Sausages are harmful to your child's digestive system
Sausage is a dish that many children like.

Sausages also contain sodium casein, a casein-based substance, a protein of milk, added to increase protein content. In addition, part of the sausage is starch and flour.

Child nutritionists say the combination of proteins of meat and milk with colorings, emulsifiers, thickeners and flavorings can be harmful to children's health, allergies or gastritis. Moreover, many studies have shown that the flavoring substance in sausages is often addictive, especially in children.

The danger of sausages lies in the chemicals contained therein, when entering the body requires agencies to work harder to dispose of them. As a result, the child's immune system is weakened, making it difficult to fight infections in the food digestion apparatus.