Gio Thu is one of the typical dishes of Vietnamese people during Tet. However, pork sausage contains a lot of fat and calories, so you should not eat too much to avoid weight gain.
Giant sausage fruit can be dangerous but also contains many useful substances used as medicine.
This interesting video gives you information to understand more about the making of a sausage ...
It is a favorite dish by many people because of its attractive taste, but recently, 12,000 American doctors have voiced a warning about their danger to health.
If eating an amount of animal protein more than 10% of the permitted level will result in a risk of death from many causes higher than 2% and an 8% increase in the risk of death
Molecular-level food analyzes show that many types of US sausages contain a certain amount of DNA.
Statistics show that people are throwing away 7 million tons of food and drinks (19% of the total we buy) every year, while most of them are still usable.
According to the new data from the Food Microbiology Agency of the United Kingdom, one out of every 10 sausages contains the hepatitis E. virus.
The secret to making delicious, healthier sausages is more likely ... child stool, according to a new study.
Many parents view sausages as a snack, favored by children, so they often give their children extra meals apart from the main meal. Although the sausage does not contain spices,