Science explains ghost phenomenon
Swiss scientists claim to discover the area of the brain that is capable of creating an invisible presence next to him while he is alone - the feeling that they think is similar to seeing ghosts. .
Swiss scientists claim to discover the area of the brain that is capable of creating an invisible presence next to him while he is alone - the feeling that they think is similar to seeing ghosts. . The team can also create that feeling in the lab.
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Dr. Giulio Rognini at Lausane Federal University of Technology (EPFL) and colleagues said that people often experience this feeling of being a person who often experiences special situations such as climbers, adventurers or people some form of mental disorder.
Mr. Rognini said that these people feel very lively, feel about the presence of someone next to them but just feel but not see. Dr. Rognini said: 'What's amazing is that these people often tell that their presence always follows their movements and postures. If they sit, that object also sits, if they stand, that object also stands'.
To investigate this phenomenon, scientists scanned the brain images of 12 people with neurological disorders who once reported seeing ghosts. The team found that these people suffered brain damage in the same places - which are involved in self-awareness, movement and body position in space.
The research team can create a ghost feeling in the lab.
In the next experiment, scientists changed nerve signals in those brain regions in 48 healthy volunteers, who had not experienced the anomalies mentioned above.
The team blindfolded the participants and asked them to control a manual robot in front of them and when they manipulated, another robot recorded their movements behind their backs. Scientists found that when they acted in front of and behind this group of people, they did not see anything unusual.
However, when the movement in front of and behind them does not happen at the same time, one third of this group of people realize that there is a ghost-like appearance in the room, in which some people feel 4 appearances there. . In particular, there are two people who feel very strange and unbearable and ask to stop the experiment.
The team explained that this bizarre interaction with robots has temporarily altered the region's brain function that is related to self-awareness and perception of the body's position. Scientists believe that when people perceive the presence of ghosts when the brain is mistaken for calculating the wrong position, assimilating themselves with someone else is there.
In the experiment, many people felt the ghost-like appearance
Dr. Rognini explains: 'Our brains have many ways of expressing our bodies in space and in normal conditions, feeling about ourselves being united. But when the system malfunctions due to illness, or in this case, a robot, it can create a different expression of that person's own body. '
The research team believes that this finding could help to better understand neurological diseases such as schizophrenia.
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