Scientists already know exactly what in the feces we have

It may sound a bit unsanitary, but this is a cure for cell sclerosis, Crohn's disease, constipation, gastrointestinal symptoms and even Parkinson's disease.

It may sound a bit unsanitary, but this is a cure for cell sclerosis, Crohn's disease, constipation, gastrointestinal symptoms and even Parkinson's disease.

Organ transplants, hands, feet or even eye grafting are not new and strange. But have you heard transplantation from one person to another? If not, then you have been enlightened a bit, when the stool transplant can cure many diseases.

Hearing a bit horrifying and unhygienic, how can a stool transplant help people get better? A new study has shown us exactly what constituents are in the stool, and from which the study of stool transplantation will help the patient.

Picture 1 of Scientists already know exactly what in the feces we have

Hearing a bit horrifying and unhygienic, how can a stool transplant help people get better?

"There is no doubt that feces can save lives , " said biology professor Seth Bordenstein at Vanderbilt University. "At this time, stool transplants are only put to use when the doctor has no other way, but this implant has certain effects that make the researchers wonder: when then this method is used universally? "

But this is not new. In China, stool transplants have been in use since the 4th century. More recently, in the 16th century, stool transplants were given a lesser name, "yellow soup". Such a long history, but Western medicine has been using this method for the past 5 years.

As researcher Bordenstein points out, less than 10 scientific studies on human fecal implants were made by 2010, but only in the last year, the number of research papers has reached 200. .

Why is this naturally so concerned? Naturally, part of this can be explained by a stool transplant that successfully treated a dangerous diarrhea , which killed 29,000 people in the United States in the 2011 diarrhea epidemic.

Picture 2 of Scientists already know exactly what in the feces we have

Can stool transplant cure many diseases?

In addition, this implant also helps treat many diseases of cell sclerosis, Crohn's disease, constipation, gastrointestinal symptoms and even Parkinson's disease. So what are the ingredients in the stool that make it cure so many diseases?
While most studies focus on fecal bacteria, biologist Bordenstein says there are many other ingredients that can cure diseases.

"Feces are a substance that contains a lot of biological information as well as chemical components that can help a lot in medicine, when they are transplanted into the patient's body."

Each gram of feces contains about 100 billion bacteria, and in the same gram also contains approximately 100 million ancient viruses and bacteria (a single-celled living organism that was once considered a bacterium).

In addition, in one gram it contains about 10 million colon epithelial cells (cell types that protect the colon), millions of enzymes and other single-cell fungi.

Picture 3 of Scientists already know exactly what in the feces we have

These studies have yielded a new treatment, advanced stool implantation method.

"This research has just begun," said researcher Bordenstein. "All of these studies are driven by the pattern of microbiology in biomechanics, which recognizes that all living organisms contain bacteria that greatly affect the health of animals. master and even evolution ".

Not only is there a better understanding of what we still release every day, these studies have brought about a new treatment, advanced stool transplantation method. And when scientists find a way to prepare and synthesize this new drug into a pill, the treatment with a stool transplant will take a long step, making the public more acceptable than one. Inferior treatment seems a bit unsanitary.

Update 18 December 2018



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