Scientists study building space stations inside an asteroid

It sounds like a sci-fi movie but it's a real project and scientists are really discovering how to build inside an asteroid.

The explanation for this idea, scientists say, is because the rotation will create enough gravity for efficient extraction devices to be used, giving us the opportunity to exploit rich minerals. and settling inside these bodies.

In addition, the researchers believe that the surface of an asteroid can also help keep the station safe from outside dangers.

Picture 1 of Scientists study building space stations inside an asteroid
In the future, there may be space research stations in . asteroids.

According to a new study by astrophysicists at the University of Vienna in Austria, the researchers applied a number of advanced gravity models to a hypothetical asteroid measuring 500 x 390m.

"The loads due to centrifugal force creating a space station inside an exploited asteroid are feasible. Although there are many unknown things here such as the need to choose the right size and materials and sub The planet will need to be strong enough to support a space station , 'the researchers said.

"Practical applications will largely depend on knowing not only the composition but also the internal structure of the objects surveyed," the team added.

Although the size of asteroids used in scientists' models almost matches some of the space rocks we observed, including 3757 Anagolay, 99942 Apophis and 3361 Orpheus. In particular, most components of these asteroids are currently unknown. However, it is still too early to start working on a mining station inside an asteroid.

"If we find an asteroid stable enough, we may not need these aluminum walls or anything, you can probably use this entire asteroid as a space station. The border between science and science fiction here is quite fuzzy, ' said lead researcher, astrophysicist Thomas Maindl.