Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Historically, there have been events that almost caused humanity to be wiped out or severely affected.

Historically, there have been events that almost caused humanity to be wiped out or severely affected.

Picture 1 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

A giant meteorite that crashed into the Earth made extinct dinosaurs and this apocalyptic perspective still an obsession with humanity.The frightening thing is that this catastrophe almost became a reality on April 14, 2018 when the meteorite GE3 moved in an extremely close position to the Earth, only 192,317 km - shorter than half of the planet's half distance. us and the moon.With an estimated diameter of 28 - 110m, this meteorite is thought to be the largest object moving close to Earth.

Picture 2 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka has conducted a study to transform the H5N1 avian influenza virus into a virus strain capable of fighting the human immune system.The frightening thing is that this scientist almost completed the research process before it was terminated due to concerns about the health impacts of all humanity.

Picture 3 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

In 2011, a research team after examining the observations of Mexican astronomer José Bonilla discovered an incredibly scary truth from his photographs. It turns out that among unidentified objects beyond the space that Bonilla observed, a comet equivalent to 1 billion tons of explosives is located only 8,000 kilometers from Earth, not even the width of Russia.

Picture 4 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Few people suspect that tiny organisms like bacteria have almost caused humanity to be wiped out when Klebsiella Planticola creates a genetically modified bacterium that can cause plants to be wiped out massively if they are replicated. .Imagine if all plants disappear, not only humans but all creatures on this planet will perish.

Picture 5 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Black death was the deadliest pandemic in human history with a terrible outbreak of plague spreading throughout Europe and Asia in the middle of the 14th century. At the time of the Black Death was extinguished, estimate it robbed the lives of 75 - 200 million people.

Picture 6 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

On July 23, 2012, the Earth was fortunate to escape the strongest solar storm in the last 150 years that, according to scientists, the catastrophe could cause humanity to lose $ 2,000 billion and lose decades. century to recover.The Sun Storm in 1859 damaged the telephone line and affected the telegraph system throughout Europe and North America.

Picture 7 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

The Spanish flu is considered one of the worst pandemics in human history.Beginning in January 1918, the disease quickly "swept" around the world and caused one third of the global population to be infected in just over a year.Estimates of the Spanish flu have infected 500 million people and more than 50 million people have died.

Picture 8 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

The Tambora volcanic eruption on Indonesia's Sumbawa island is the most powerful volcanic eruption in modern history, releasing more than 125 km of gas, dust and rock into the air, and killing more than 10,000 people. This natural disaster caused dust and smoke to cover most of the Earth and reduce temperatures from North America to Europe for months. The famine after the eruption also killed 80,000 people and in 1816 was named "year without summer".

Picture 9 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Many creatures were nearly erased 195,000 - 123.00 years ago by a natural phenomenon called Marine Isotope Stage 6 (marine oxygen isotope stage 6) - marine oxygen isotope periods determined based on isotope data Oxygen is reflected in temperature curves according to deep sea core sample data.This phenomenon causes the temperature on our planet to fluctuate greatly, when it is too hot and when it is too cold.

Picture 10 of Shivered by the 'catastrophes' that almost caused humanity to be wiped out

Back in ancient Egypt , smallpox was the nightmare of mankind.Until the modern period, only in the 20th century, 500 million people died of this disease.Previously, it had almost eliminated the Native Americans when 90-95% of people died of smallpox.Fortunately, by 1980, WHO declared that the disease had been wiped out, all thanks to the vaccine.

Update 17 May 2019



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