Signs of anemia

If you work a little bit tired, sleepy and drowsy, your chest is beating hard when you try ... then you may be anemic. Men with long-term anemia are vulnerable.

If you work a little bit tired, sleepy and drowsy, your chest is beating hard when you try . then you may be anemic. Men with long-term anemia are vulnerable.

Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood.

Whatever the cause of anemia, the patient has the same symptoms as:

- Skin, mucosa pale, pale, especially the eye mucosa, mouth, palms.
- Or fainting, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus while sitting up.
- Working tired, or falling asleep. On exertion, see the chest drum beating hard.
- Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea or constipation.
- If the anemia is prolonged, the patient has bipolar edema, women are menstrual, men are helpless.

When the above signs appear, you need to go to the hospital and do tests to determine the extent and causes of anemia.

Big, good red cell anemia: Due to lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid, called Biermer malignant anemia, in addition to the common symptoms, the heart has systolic murmur, enlarged heart. Tongue n

Picture 1 of Signs of anemia

Structure of blood cells.
(Photo: SK & D)

Bright, shiny.Mouth, tongue and throat burning like burns.There is frostbite, ants in the limbs, bone tendon reflexes.People with gastrectomy are also susceptible to anemia in this form.

Small red cell anemia, weakness:Common after blood loss such as hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, uterine fibroids, hemoptysis, bronchial cancer, bronchiectasis, worms hooks . The disease also occurs in people with stomach problems, intestines lead to poor absorption of iron, pregnant women, poor nutrition children.

Small erythropoiesis, isochromatic:Due to myelosuppression (originating from tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, occupational poisoning, antibiotics, anticancer drugs, radiation, pesticides) or red blood cell destruction necrosis (in hemolytic disease, malaria, yellow fever, hemolytic streptococcus; poisoning).This type of anemia also occurs in cases of acute blood loss (vascular rupture, rupture of the viscera, ectopic pregnancy, uterine rupture .).

Update 14 December 2018



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