Signs of urinary tract cancer

Urinary cancer is a cancer that forms in the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. Cancer can develop in the urine collection system, but this condition is often rare.

Urinary tract cancer (or urinary cancer) is a cancer that forms in the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. Cancer can develop in the urine collection system, but this condition is often rare.

Urinary tract cancer is closely related to bladder cancer. Urinary lining cells are the same type with cells lining the bladder. People diagnosed with urinary cancer have a higher risk of bladder cancer, so doctors often recommend testing to look for signs of bladder cancer.

Urinary tract cancer is uncommon and most common in older people and people who have previously been treated for bladder cancer.

According to statistics, about 60% of urinary cancers detect the disease at the papillary stage; 40% of the remaining cases are detected when the disease has turned into a late stage. Therefore, knowing how to recognize urinary cancer will make the process of finding and treating the disease easier.

Picture 1 of Signs of urinary tract cancer

Urinary tract cancer is uncommon and most common in the elderly.

How to identify signs of urinary tract cancer:

Usually, when you have urinary tract cancer, you will see symptoms like:

  • Blood in the urine or semen : If the urinary tract has ulcers, the patient may urinate in the blood, the amount of blood that can be released more or less depends on the condition of the ulcer. Depending on the severity of each patient's urinary tract injury, the amount of blood may vary or vary.
  • Pain when urinating : When suffering from urinary tract cancer, the patient will show urination many times, persistent urination, urination and pain when urinating. This symptom may not be obvious at an early stage, if the tumor develops quickly, they can cause nausea and throbbing in the back, or stomach for the patient, and urination is more difficult.
  • Urinary tract blockage : A large tumor will compress the bladder and the urinary tube, causing bladder irritation, difficulty circulating urine. At this time, the patient will have symptoms of dysuria, broken urine, obstruction of urine tube, urination and urination.
  • Severe back pain and hip pain : When the tumor grows larger and begins to invade, it will clog the urinary tract, since the urine cannot be excreted and will flow back from the bladder to the kidney. kidney damage, kidney failure, even kidney failure, resulting in back pain, hip pain .
  • Pain when defecating : When urinary tumors grow large, it will compress the rectum, making it difficult for patients to have defecation, constipation or rectal bleeding when defecating.
  • Swelling in the feet : Foot swelling is a common manifestation of kidney disease, but it is also a sign of urinary tract cancer.
  • Unusual weight loss, unexplained fatigue : This is a common manifestation of cancer patients, including patients with urinary tract cancer.
Update 05 June 2019



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