Apples are the most used food after bananas and grapes because it has many uses.

Prevention of cancer
Studies show that polyphenols in apples can control the growth of cancer cells.
A Finnish study is even more interesting, flavonoids in apples are highly effective in antioxidant and it is the etching of cancer cells. If we regularly eat apples, the probability of getting lung cancer will be reduced by 20%.
A recent study by the French national health health research institute shows that astaxanthin in apples also has the ability to prevent colon cancer.
Helps firm bones
Apples contain a variety of boron and manganese elements that make bones stronger. An American study found that the element Bo can greatly increase blood estrogen and levels of other compounds. These compounds are very effective in preventing calcium deficiency.
Medical experts said that women in menopause if the body absorbs 3g of Bo daily, the calcium deficiency rate will be reduced by 46%.
An American Cornell University research team did an experiment, where they embedded mouse brain cells into liquids containing quercetin and vitamin C, then found the cells' antioxidant capacity increased dramatically.
Compared to other fruits, apples contain a lot of quercetin. So for older people with dementia, apples are the best.
Reduce blood fat
Research on Japanese fruit trees indicates that eating two apples every day after three weeks average blood fat level will decrease by 21%. Fat is the culprit that causes arteriosclerosis, so eating apples regularly will help your body become healthier.
If the body contains too much sodium, then we will be very susceptible to high blood pressure or wind. The rich amount of potassium contained in apples will help the body excrete excess sodium, the body's blood pressure will gradually decrease.
Lose weight
Eating apples will help us feel full so eating an apple before eating rice will have an effective weight loss effect.