Smoking will permanently damage the coffee

Smoking will ruin a person's ability to sense a cup of coffee, even if the person quit smoking, according to a new study.

Smoking will ruin a person's ability to sense a cup of coffee, even if the person quit smoking, according to a new study.

The strong bitter taste of caffeine is often very recognizable, even for a small amount. However, this is no longer true for smokers, because the toxins in cigarettes seem to have harmed their taste buds.

Picture 1 of Smoking will permanently damage the coffee

Smoking habits have been found to permanently affect the ability of caffeine to perceive bitterness in coffee.(Photo: Reuters)

To find out if taste is still affected even after people stop smoking or not, scientists tested 451 employees at hospitals in Paris and France. Tests to identify volunteers can recognize four basic flavors (including salty, sweet, sour and bitter) as well as how strong each flavor is.

According to the results published in Chemosensory Perception, whether volunteers smoke or not, their ability to feel salty, sweet and sour is not affected. However, smoking habits affect caffeine's ability to sense bitterness . Specifically, one in five people who smoke and a quarter of those who have this habit cannot accurately identify the bitterness of caffeine.

However, the research team noted that nearly 13% of non-smokers also "slipped" to test the taste.

Experts believe that the accumulation of tobacco in the body can prevent the taste buds in the tongue from changing themselves, thus damaging the ability to identify certain flavors of "miserable" , right away. both after they quit smoking. The discovery is expected to provide more reason for people who are "addicted" to tobacco to be determined to give up this bad habit.

Update 18 December 2018



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