Strange 8kg potatoes, just like giant feet

Potato tubers weigh 8kg, shaped exactly like a giant's feet that make netizens enjoy.

This unique potato root was discovered in the potato garden by Marli and Paulo Ciquinel in the town of Meleiro, Santa Cantarina state, south of Brazil.

Picture 1 of Strange 8kg potatoes, just like giant feet
Potato tubers take the shape of six toes.(Photo: CEN).

Picture 2 of Strange 8kg potatoes, just like giant feet
Marli and her husband were surprised and a little scared when they harvested mutant potatoes.(Photo: CEN).

The potato root has a shape that is identical to the human foot. However, it has up to six toes with one thumb and the other fingers smaller in order. The root of the potato is 8 kg and has many hair-like roots growing around the toes, most at the thumb.

'We have never seen any potato like that. I was even a little frightened when I harvested this potato. To see what we can do with it. Perhaps we will display it so everyone can see it, ' said Marli.

Marli and her husband both worked in agriculture and during the six years they used to plant potatoes and many other vegetables in the back garden to make daily food. Both said that they really did not dare to eat this weird potato.