Strange planet 'intrusion' Milky Way

Recent world astronomers have confirmed the discovery of a strange planet, belonging to another galaxy

Recent world astronomers have confirmed the discovery of a strange planet, belonging to another galaxy that has "hacked" into our Milky Way galaxy.

Picture 1 of Strange planet 'intrusion' Milky Way

Strange planet HIP 13044b.

The " foreign " planet was named HIP 13044b . The Fox News news agency quoted the researchers as saying, this is a Jupiter-like planet, orbiting around a star that was born in another galaxy but then gets our Milky Way " arrest "about 6-9 billion years ago.

A side effect of " cannibalism in the galaxy " is to bring a distant planet into the " sights " of astronomers on Earth.

" This is extremely interesting. We are currently unable to directly observe stars of foreign galaxies . and authenticate them, " said Rainer Klement, an expert at the Max-Planck Astronomical Institute. -Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany and also the co-author of a study of the strange planet HIP 13044b, said.

Klement added that stars of other galaxies are located too far away from us so understanding them could be " impossible ".

Experts judged that the new discovery of HIP 13044b could also force astronomers to rethink their opinions on the formation and survival of planets. The reason is, HIP 13044b is the first planet ever discovered orbiting a star that is both " very long-lived " and extremely poor in metal. Poor metal stars typically lack elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.

Klement and his colleagues found that HIP 13044b survived the stage of the star that it orbits (mother star) to transform, which swells into a giant, red star. (The sun in our Milky Way is predicted to enter a similar transformation in the next 5 billion years.) So studying this planet can also provide clues to our solar system fate.

HIP 13044b is very close to its parent star (this star has now shrunk back in size). For every 16.2 days (in time on Earth), HIP 13044b completes a spin around its star. At the time of the closest approach, it was only about 8 million kilometers from her star, only 1/18 of the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Update 17 December 2018



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