Strange story: Half a dozen eggs have two yolks

Ms. Fiona Exon, a woman in Cumbria (England), discovered 6 chicken eggs in the same box that she bought at the supermarket, both have 2 yolks.

Ms. Fiona Exon, a woman in Cumbria (England), discovered 6 chicken eggs in the same box that she bought at the supermarket, both have 2 yolks. According to scientists, this case is extremely rare, at a rate of 1/1 trillion.

Picture 1 of Strange story: Half a dozen eggs have two yolks

6 "twin" eggs.

Recently, while beating eggs bought from Morrisons supermarket (England) to prepare breakfast, Mrs. Exon discovered an extremely rare phenomenon. There are 6 eggs that she smashed out with two yolks.

"We bought six chicken eggs from the supermarket and I was surprised to find that all of these eggs had two yolks. I used to see chicken eggs with two yolks before. but this is a strange case , 'Ms. Exon said.

According to experts at the Egg Information Service in the UK, the rate of finding two yolk eggs in a box (6 fruits) is usually sold at supermarkets, only about 1/1000. Whereas all 6 fruits have 2 yolk like Exon discovered that it is extremely rare, at the rate of 1/1 trillion.

Kevin Coles, a spokesman for the organization, said: 'The case of finding six eggs in the same box has two yolk is extremely rare.

Mr. Coles also explained that the case of 2 yolks usually appears in the eggs of young hens, about 18 to 24 weeks of age and he also surmised that the case of catching 6 eggs with 2 yolks in one box This is because these eggs are bigger than other normal eggs.

After the information about this strange phenomenon was published in British newspapers, the dealer William Hill immediately gave a 1-trillion-dollar rafter to those who found a box with 6 eggs containing 2 yolk like the above case.

Update 18 December 2018



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