The European Space Agency (ESA) is expected to build moon-based facilities by 2030, and this tectonic work will be entrusted to new generation 3D printers.

Chinese scientists have just announced that they have completed the most obvious 3-dimensional (3D) digital topographic map in the world today.

Although graphic design is not the field of Graphonaute itself, but he still makes viewers have to enjoy their animated pictures.

Detailed photos of insects made by photographer Steve Gschmeissner have made many people look stunned.

The Russian ophthalmologist warns, people who are addicted to 3D movies should not go to the theater to watch movies floating more than three times a week.

Technology experts and doctors warn that if you don't use eyeglasses to watch 3D stereos correctly, it will affect your eyes.

An Italian inventor Enrico Dini has developed a three-dimensional (3D) printer called D-Shape. It can print an entire house with sand and artificial glue.

The Airbus design aircraft has more than 1,000 parts made from 3D printing technology.

A company in China on March 24 introduced the first 3D car in the country, with an orange design.

German-based SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) has just announced a unique 3D glasses. This is considered the first 3D glasses in the world can monitor the wearer's eyes.