From the image of the moon

Physicists all over the world on November 16 launched an important program to turn the Large Grain Accelerator (LHC), which is now in a 27km long tunnel near the Swiss-French

Successful implementation of inter-collision experiments

When you were a kid, did you ever try to crash two toy cars to see what happened? If so, you have understood somewhat the principle of operation ...

The continuous accidents during the last time often have the same cause due to driving

The foot is always placed on the brake pedal, when you want to increase the throttle, just turn your ankle to the gas pedal, if you are proficient, there will be no mistaken

Before the success of science, especially the large particle accelerator LHC recreates the Big Bang explosion to understand the formation of the universe, the Christian Church

The European Nuclear Research Center has recorded the first collisions between lead ion particles in the Large Particle Accelerator (LHC).

Scientists from the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) have planned to stop by the end of 2012 the LHC large particle accelerator ...

In the race to invent, hunt for the last super heavy elements in the periodic table, the Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in the scientific city of Dna, Russia,