A new study has pushed back the time when the first continent appeared hundreds of millions of years back, with a very strange and mysterious way of rising out of the ocean.

The mysterious continent has a name

Hidden deep beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, scientists were surprised to find evidence that the continent's long-term existence was lost.

More than a century ago, German scientist Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) proposed the idea of an ancient supercontinent after combining some evidence together.

About 115 million years ago, on the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, a small mushroom fell into the river and was swept into a saltwater lagoon, where it was buried in sediment and

The land on the surface of the globe was once incorporated as Rodinia's supercontinent, and now experts say it has found its remains buried under the Indian Ocean.

Both Reunion and Mauritius are popular tourist destinations. Recently scientists have discovered that these islands are