For the past 85 years, the coelacanth has been known as the

Ancient 'slow-living' fish Coelacanth with lifespan of up to a century and gestation period of five years, new study finds.

The sea monsters of the Devonian period are evidence of the evolutionary leap that enabled us to walk on continents today.

Tanyrhinichthys mcallisteri has a sturgeon-like shape with a long protruding snout that focuses the senses to help them catch prey.

Why do we have fingers, what does the number of these fingers mean in terms of evolution?

Fossils of ancient fish Tiktaalik roseae from about 375 million years ago show their fins shaped like the sole of the foot to be placed on the bottom of a river or stream.

The fish with unusually large eyes caught at a depth of 800 m in the sea made the fishermen panicked.

Archaeologists from Flinders University and Australian National University of Canberra have successfully reproduced the image of a strange fish that once inhabited an ancient coral

Prehistoric fossils found in China include bones with jaw characteristics of modern vertebrates.

The flat-headed, half-meter-long fish survive in the ocean of 92 million years ago by eating plankton.