Although costly and fraught with risk, the Apollo program was a huge success for NASA, landing a total of 12 astronauts on the surface of the Moon.

In the history of human space exploration, the Apollo program is certainly a glorious chapter.

It is hard to believe that Neil Armstrong's medal in the Apollo 11 campaign in 1969 was sold at such a high price.

Today (July 19), Doodle Google displays an astronaut stepping on a spaceship to explore the moon for the 50th anniversary of its arrival on the Moon.

Apollo program puts people on the Moon as a result of the effort and silent sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of people.

The Apollo Program (Project Apollo), launched and implemented by the United States in the 1960s, was officially from 1961 to 1975, with the task of bringing people to the Moon.

The center is a successful place to control the Apollo 11 during the first human moon expedition, with two astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

The flags inserted by the American astronauts on the surface of the Moon in the Apollo program are increasingly fading and decaying.

The desire to conquer the universe is always endless, despite the huge cost of serving great works in space.

Four decades have passed since the US ended the Apollo program, no astronauts were sent to the moon, but the