Three Austrian men became the first in the world to be fitted with thought-controlled robotic arms, based on electronic restructuring technology.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) has successfully invented the first electronic hand that has the ability to bring patients with lifelike feelings.

Recently, 10 awards for the contribution of human science in 2011 have been published, all not only useful but also interesting.

This study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, is a big step in creating prosthetic limbs with full ability to function as a true genus.

This product is the result of 7 years of research and development, applying military technology and using formulas from F1 racing engineers.

The 8-year-old boy in Malaysia can now play with his peers thanks to his artificial hand made of 3D print technology.

Students at the West Catholic High School Michigan robotics team recreated a fake hand from 3D printing equipment for Harmony Taylor.

In the process of searching, Van As discovered 3D printing technology and self-built fake hand parts with this technology. Since 3D printing technology has become popular, there