Genetic researchers have revealed the Timema rod insect that lives in the dirt around the west coast of the United States that has lived for 1 million years without ever

The Brazilian and Texas researchers have confirmed that ants plant Mycocepurus smithii.

Scientists at the University of North Carolina and three other universities in Japan have demonstrated for the first time that lords can reproduce in both sexual and asexual forms.

In fact, very rare organisms can exist only by asexual reproduction, due to the lack of diversity of DNA.

Many animals have the ability to conceive and give birth to maintain the breed only a short time after birth.

Celina Starnes of the Stanley Ecological Society examines the specimen found in Lost Lagoon, a small lake south of the park.

Many people think that the claw is like asexual worm by breaking up to multiply new individuals, but in fact it has a continuation of two asexual and sexual methods.

The question seems simple, but it is not easy to answer.

For the second time in two years, a captive snake in America gave birth without any relationship with the opposite sex.

Scientists have finally figured out why sexual reproduction continues to exist despite the asexual reproduction of the female whole in some animals. This finding also helps