For nearly a decade, the Atlas robot developed by technology company Boston Dynamics has appeared many times in the mass media.

Walking on two feet on different terrains such as humans, buckets can also balance, if falls can stand on their own, can use 2 hands to open doors, move goods, ...

Let's see if the robot Atlas moves in this place is qualified to take care of the housework?

The Atlas, a humanoid robot of Boston Dynamics, has begun field testing in a forest. In the video you can see Atlas moving quite fast, its ability to balance well when striding on

Atlas not only looks like a human but also works very quickly and flexibly.

According to Newatlas, robot Atlas of Boston Dynamics (a subsidiary of Softbank) is making amazing developments in addition to being able to move on rough terrain.

Boston Dynamics builds robots capable of moving like people, obstacles, even dancing to music.

Japan's Softbank completes acquisition of Boston Dynamics, a company that makes robots so many people fear.

Inadequate human manipulation, scientists in Japan decided to find ways to make the movements of natural robots look like humans.

2015 was a breakthrough year in science and technology and of course robot technology was no exception.