The images recorded through the microscope have greatly enlarged the cells, eggs, sperm ... in the human body to help you better understand your body.
MegaVac Mechanical Thrombectomy device can handle blood clots and plaques of different sizes.
When blood clots form in deep veins it is very dangerous, especially when they move to the lungs, the risk of death is high.
Experts warn, too eager to watch TV makes you sit for hours continuously increasing the risk of forming blood clots causing pulmonary embolism leading to death.
Air pollution is associated with an increased risk of a disease that causes irregular heartbeats and blood clots in the lungs, according to scientists.
US scientists have found a new way to solve the problems of blood clotting in surgery thanks to gold nanoparticles.
Nearly 75% of employees of companies, aged 21-30, working 10 hours a day, do not stand up to relax, will double the risk of blood clots.
Aspirin is similar to Warfarin, which is effective against blood clots, preventing the risk of death, stroke and brain hemorrhage in patients with heart failure. According to AFP,