Fluoride has a controversial history. So what is fluoride and should we be worried about the potential risks?

Are you confident you are a clean, neat and tidy person? Are you sure that you have eliminated any pathogenic bacteria that appear around yourself and your family?

Dentists recommend that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day to be able to protect, prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, tartar ...

Learning how to clean your teeth is one of the first tasks in every child's life and the same thing happens in the world of monkeys.

The researchers took bacterial samples found in the mouth of 122,000 people and performed DNA analysis to identify each type of bacteria.

Using a toothbrush for too long can have unpredictable consequences.

Not brushing your teeth twice enough within 24 hours will make you more prone to dental problems that are typically cavities.

If you take care of it, you will notice many of our daily routines that were formed as a child: bathing after school, washing your hands before eating, brushing your teeth before

In most toothpaste containing chemicals sodium lauryl sulfate, excessive use can cause stomach pain, liver toxicity, mouth sores, and even oral cavity cancer.

Bad oral hygiene can lead to blood clots and death, British scientists say.