• Mysterious things in the Amazon forest make you

    Mysterious things in the Amazon forest make you
    The vast Amazon jungle is always hidden with unexplored mysteries, making the trip to the forest full of dangers but equally interesting and stimulating curiosity.
  • 10 aquatic monsters of the Amazon river

    10 aquatic monsters of the Amazon river
    Pacu fish are creatures with human-like teeth. Unlike other species in the list, Pacu fish is omnivorous fish, favorite food is fruits and nuts.
  • Brutal assassins in the animal world

    Brutal assassins in the animal world
    The fact that the other child eats the other is a law of the natural world. But the animals' killing methods below are brutal.
  • Close up of the most

    Close up of the most
    Dailymail said these pictures help us have a closer look at the animals cleverly adapt to blood sucking. This is a vital ability to help them get a rich supply of nutrients, easy