Besides the familiar potatoes and sweet potatoes, Vietnam has many other types of potatoes that many young people may not know how to identify and distinguish.

Here are some information and pictures of food crops grown in popularity in Vietnam and around the world.

Creating a new hybrid variety from different cassava species could be a new way to improve this crop yield to help about 8 million people around the world.

According to the Plant Protection Department, now in Tay Ninh province, new pests appear on cassava (cassava), called pink powder mealybugs. This is a dangerous pest, difficult to

6 biofuel plants have been licensed with an annual demand of about 1.2 million tons of cassava chips, in which Quang Nam factory has operated. Businesses are worried about lack of

Chinese scientists from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have relied on gene sequencing technology to successfully map the root of the cassava genome.

The bio-plastic type made from cassava flour is completely biodegradable after 60 days of being buried underground.

Some traditional foods of countries around the world, including some that are considered specialties, are actually full of risks to human health.

Bamboo shoots, cassava and chicken are three foods that need to be cooked before eating to avoid poisoning and affect health.

Puffed fish, cassava, jellyfish ... if processed carelessly can become lethal food, according to Express.