• Female or male cats live longer?

    Female or male cats live longer?
    According to the latest research, the average expected remaining lifespan of cats after the first year of life is 11.7 years.
  • Why do cats play with mice?

    Why do cats play with mice?
    Cats often play with prey such as: pounce, fiddle, scratch, bite and chase before making a fatal bite to reduce the risk of being attacked while killing it.
  • Decode the most common mysteries

    Decode the most common mysteries
    Chewing gum takes 7 years to decompose is what scares mischievous children. The Great Wall is no better than the Giza pyramid when viewed from the moon. And in the southern
  • Cats lick water 4 times in a second

    Cats lick water 4 times in a second
    Scientists installed a high-speed camera and scientific calculator to discover how cats drink water without wetting their chin.