Located on the southern tip of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, the abandoned cinema is known as the

Popcorn is a familiar and indispensable food in movie theaters. Sometimes, it becomes a favorite snack for young people.

Do you know because Bruce Lee is so fast, they have to slow down his movie so that the audience can see it?

Great films for relaxation, stress relief, motivational, inspiring work or just wanting to find empathy.

Cinemas, floating golf courses, floating swimming pools or even a drifting forest on the water will surely be very interesting and interesting places to visit.

Perhaps many of us who saw the first 3D movie were Avatar in 2009, but the first 3D movie in the world was ever published 50 years ago. That movie

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT of America has succeeded in creating new projection technology whereby moviegoers will not need to use glasses when watching 3D