The failed launch of the Truong Chinh 5 rocket in early July caused China's upcoming moon missions to be delayed.

Let's review 6 scientific events that mark the process of studying and conquering human universe through the following article.

Is this the future of space travel?

Russia will focus on studying programs to explore the Moon in its journey to conquer the universe.

According to public figures in 2011, China reached a 3-billion-dollar export of high-tech goods, including aerospace technology. Meanwhile Russia only has 1.1 billion USD.

The plan for conquering the stars over the next 100 years not only met with numerous technical difficulties, but experts also have to face the difficult question regarding human

A gecko tour team is being trained by Russian experts to prepare the journey to conquer the universe later this year.

NASA announced it will retrofit Mars explorers a device capable of analyzing rock samples with a laser beam.

After 60 years of effort, humans have taken the unmanned spacecraft to touch the belt of the Solar System.