crispr gene editing technology

The BBC reported that scientists announced that they had successfully removed the HIV virus from infected cells, using Crispr gene editing technology that won the 2020 Nobel Prize

Pregnancy while on Earth is completely normal, although not always happy (because of morning sickness, edema ...). But what about being pregnant when staying on Mars?

2017 marked many breakthrough discoveries in the fields of physics, archeology, astronomy and biology, creating remarkable scientific achievements.

Discovering new human relatives or liquid water that exists beneath the surface of Mars is the outstanding scientific discovery this year.

Sinogene, a Chinese biotech company, successfully cloned Longlong rabbit hound from another genetically modified dog to develop atherosclerosis, CNN reported yesterday.

US scientists are trying to develop human organs inside pigs by injecting human stem cells into pig embryos to produce pig embryos - humans.

By gene regulation, Harvard University (USA) said in the future it is possible to use pig organs to transplant for humans.