Today's famous Pizza Margherita is named after an Italian queen. Estimated each year, an American consumes more than 9kg of pizza.

Dubai is famous for its luxurious services, but the new Abu Dhabi is a place that gives visitors more travel, culinary and cultural experiences.

Pizza is not only for Italians but also for the whole world with very interesting and delicious variations. Around the world tasting famous spicy dishes Around the world with 20

It is not that the culinary expert also realizes that European and Asian tastes are very different. However, the cause of this phenomenon is not simple.

Do not think in the animal world there will be no so-called 'culinary arts'. Animals do not simply put in their mouths, chew and swallow anything ...

Fried scorpions, baked egg cakes, biltong, guinea pig, salt roasted ants ... are unique sidewalk dishes favored by tourists.

A recent study said that relating past issues is the best way to bring a feeling of enjoyment to things that we have now found so tedious.