Scientific research for many years has found very characteristic

In 2014, scientists discovered 126 new species of organisms in Vietnam, according to statistics from a group of scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources,

Recently, the famous National Geographic magazine voted the most impressive scientific findings in 2010.

A new giant clam has just been found in the Red Sea, with deep folds on the shell.

Mexican archaeologists have brought the human skeleton dating back 10,000 to 14,000 years out of a submerged cave.

The discovery may cause scientists to rewrite the hypotheses about the diversity of species and the adaptation to the dinosaur environment.

Scientists have just discovered the skeleton of a small woman hugging two children, lying on a flower bed 5000 years ago in the barren Sahara desert today.

New scientists have discovered the hottest planet ever known by humans. It has a temperature of up to 2,250 degrees Celsius, equivalent to the heat at the surface of the sun.

A new spider species and rarely release spherical spider webs

This blind snake is one of the few animals present during Madagascar's formation.