Scolding pets does not help them fix bad habits or train good reflexes.

But man is also a single creature living in a moment of history. If we influence the life and evolution of other creatures, Hecht thinks we should do it under a clear sense of

Israel has built a unique jacket to help rescue dogs or assist people with disabilities to receive master's commands through vibrating signals.

Russia is home to many famous scientists. In the Soviet era, the level of science and technology has made remarkable progress. Among them, the creation of 'Stalin dog breed' or

On film, how much you see people using dog scenes is practically no different, because dogs are an indispensable team of police forces.

In the past, stories about a dog who understood the owner's feelings were often considered to be of no scientific value.

A dog raised in the region of Omsk, western Siberia of Russia, can help owners of daily tasks such as cultivating, pumping or carrying water.

US police are training and using professional dogs to track computer memory cards, containing

Russian scientists have shown that dogs can identify many different colors, contrary to the long-held assumption that the crane can only see white and black.

Pentagon leaders are planning to develop dog brain scanning technology to be able to detect the best dogs for US military service training.