Not only stress, too many email checkers also exhibit many diseases such as heart disease, obesity, memory loss, digestive disorders and depression.

To know if a person is hiding the truth, or a dishonest friend, each person can find out how he or she uses the words in the email.

The results of the latest study by scientists at Loughborough University in the UK said that working regularly with e-mail will cause frequent stress, which increases the risk of

Although not connected to the Internet at the hideout, Osama bin Laden is still the person who writes a lot of emails and creates a confidential communication system, always one

With this method, you will need to use the Mail2Cloud service, which allows you to send sensitive information with greater reliability.

In case you want to forward emails sent to one of those accounts to another account, you can apply the following extremely simple method so that the process takes place

Sometimes after you click send an email, you will notice a mistake. You are worried because the recipient will probably misunderstand the idea in the e-mail. In this case, use

Gmail has restrictions on incoming mail, or when you reach the maximum number of emails, Gmail will show a stop sign and not allow any more emails to be sent in the day.

Currently an era of electronic and internet technology, people use email to exchange information with each other more and more.

Try Microsoft 's new mail system and get $ 1,000 from Bill Gates, reverse the ATM card PIN to tell the police, lend the account to transfer money, and then share attractive