NASA has announced plans to design robots that can roll, fly, float, and swim to explore Saturn's moons someday in the future.

After the announcement, the clip above triggered a social network controversy about whether there existed life on Mars.

This is the true image you will see when you set foot on Mars.

The NASA spacecraft orbits Mars orbit to detect the location of the Schiaparelli amphibious robot after opening it too early and crashing into the planet's surface.

Scientists discovered that the probe robot Philae was stuck in the crack in the comet through a photograph of Rosetta's mother ship.

Scientists from the German Space Agency (DLR) give up hope to restore contact with space exploration robots Philae because its solar panels have stopped working.

A robot dispatched to the Fukushima leak reactor to investigate and clean up had to abruptly cancel its mission, after the extremely high radiation level here burned its camera.