According to the manufacturer's listed price, the Triton DeepView 24 submarine that Vingroup orders is priced at up to $ 7.7 million, equivalent to many luxury yachts.

The 118-year-old painting of a British explorer was suddenly found in Antarctica.

The body of a German explorer was found in one

The two adventurers Sam Cossman and George Kourounis recently became the first to reach the lava lake with the tremendous heat of the Marum crater.

Known as one of the most mysterious caves in the world, the Caves crystal is always a great attraction for explorers.

Hundreds of new species have surprised international researchers who are exploring the waters of the two islands of the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs in northwestern

A group of international experts returned from the first expedition in three flooded caves in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, carrying large fossils to find a solution to the

A flight into space of millions of microscopic worms could help solve threats to humans when exploring space.

The explorer Mars Phoenix (Phoenix) was no longer active after being hit by carbon tape to damage solar panels.

For many of us, the space outside of Earth is probably the last frontier. As for marine biologists, oceans also contain many mysteries like space.