The Emo robot can predict a smile about 840 milliseconds before the other person smiles, then smile at the same time.

AI has just revealed that mice have a lot of facial expressions that help express their feelings - thereby giving us fresh evidence of how emotional responses form in the human

According to the Motherboard website, it is one of the findings of a recently published study of facial expression when orgasm and single pain in different cultures.

We know how to laugh as if we were programmed from birth. Infants before they can speak can laugh. Visually impaired people can laugh like normal people.

New research shows, the basic emotional expression on each person's face.

We can know if someone is a leader simply by observing their facial features, according to a new study.

Recent research by Australian experts has shown that every element of anger will make you stronger and superior.

In a new study, we often show 21 different facial expressions on the face, three times more than the long-accepted number (6 shades).

East Asians are often more difficult than Europeans to distinguish a frightened face with a surprised face, or a disgusted face with an angry face.

The expression of emotions depends on our genes, according to a new study. This study identifies that the expression of emotions is innate, not a product of learning.