An ancient creature with a dinosaur-like head and body, wide wings, raven feathers and a phoenix-like long tail that once fluttered our continent.

Mankind has the ambition to conquer and domesticate wild animals, but if flying dinosaurs aren't extinct, can humans tame them into mounts?

Flying dinosaurs that once inhabited Jurassic have many characteristics similar to modern birds.

According to media reports, the animal has a sagging lower jaw, indicating that their mouths have pockets like pelicans, perhaps to catch fish and small reptiles.

Blue eggs are found in many modern birds and people have long believed that only the animals of the new bird family have green eggs.

A great discovery of scientists and archaeologists in the study of the history of the structure and development of birds.

Scientists at the University of Southampton (UK) conducted a series of experiments on simulation models of ancient dinosaurs and discovered extremely interesting things about the

A study published recently in Nature shows that many dinosaurs have the ability to fly, not just Archeopteryx, a feathered dinosaur that is still considered the ancestor of today's

The small flying dinosaur named Microraptor is considered one

In 2009, Daisy Morris, a 4-year-old girl living in the city of Whitwell on the British island of Wight, discovered fossil bones on Atherfield beach.