gastrointestinal disorders
Cohen Bramlee (6 years old, USA) has a gastrointestinal disorder that was first noted. Can not eat like a normal person, she is given nutrients to feed her body.
Umbilical left abdominal pain is the cause of many diseases that adversely affect our daily life.
Our cat bosses obviously cannot survive if they eat only vegetables or cereals. Bosses need meat, because bosses are carnivores.
Viral fever or viral fever is caused by many types of viruses, the most common group is respiratory viruses with more than 200 different types of diseases.
The bacteriophage secretes enzymes digesting food, eliminating residual residues in the colon, and improving uncomfortable abdominal symptoms.
Dinner at 10pm not only turns beneficial foods into harmful, disruptive sleeps, but also disrupts the digestive system.
Early ovarian cancer has vague symptoms, in the late stages the extent of the spread can cause abdominal pain, constipation, hematuria ...