Each of these countries has secrets to living a long life that most Vietnamese people have also followed. However, the important thing is to maintain those good habits every day.
Each of us has hundreds and thousands of different habits: both good and bad.
Even in the worst conditions, people still maintain good habits, scientists claim. Wendy Wood, a professor of psychology at the University of South California, USA and colleagues,
Self-massage 5 minutes a day helps your body reduce stress, reduce work pressure and increase life expectancy.
Everyone knows that washing hands before eating is the minimum thing to do to ensure the health of each of us. But the reality shows that many people are disregarding this issue.
Bathing, washing your face with water, rinsing your mouth with warm water, defecation ... are healthy habits.
You can improve your health in seconds by taking a deep breath when you're stressed, laughing if stressful, looking away from your eyes ...
When the heat background is dropping sharply, your skin starts to dry out. Cold air can adversely affect your health, so you will have to change some living habits.