60 seconds helps you stay healthy

You can improve your health in seconds by taking a deep breath when you're stressed, laughing if stressful, looking away from your eyes .

Some other ways to enhance your health in just a minute

To be healthy you don't need to spend too much time as you think. Just changing a few small habits in your life will be as healthy as you want. You can improve your health in just 60 seconds or less.

Take a deep breath

If you are stressed, do not forget to breathe deeply, because it is a method of relaxation, reducing anger, controlling your heart rate and lowering your blood pressure very effectively. Deep inhalation also slows down the production of stress hormones.

Hug someone

A warm bracelet will make us feel happier and more comfortable. Hugging also brings a lot of health benefits, typically making love hormones, reducing blood pressure and regulating heart rate.

Picture 1 of 60 seconds helps you stay healthy


Laughter is the best dose of stress relief for the body. According to researchers William Fry, a minute of hearty laughter works with 10 minutes of pacemaker activity. Laughter also helps improve the brain, enhance memory, burn excess calories and live longer.

Sipping chocolate

Natural plant compounds in chocolate can protect the heart, lower blood pressure, increase good cholesterol levels, eliminate bad cholesterol, help the body circulate healthy. Regularly eating chocolate also helps prevent diabetes and protect the skin.

Relaxing eyes

If your work is constantly in contact with a computer or you are a technology fan and spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen. Exposure to the screen for a long time is very harmful to your eyes. To prevent illness, follow the 20-20-20 rules: Look for 20 minutes at a distance of about 20 feet (about 6m) for 20 seconds.


This only takes 20 seconds to help protect your body from disease. Hand washing reduces the number of people with diarrhea by 31%, people with colds and other respiratory diseases by 21%. Everyone needs to wet their hands with clean water, apply with soap and rub for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands under running water and dry completely.

Seat belts

This only takes a few seconds to protect you all your life. Whether you are driving or sitting on someone's car, you should make yourself a seatbelt habit. According to CDC, more than 2 million adults must treat car accident injuries each year, more than half of teenagers aged 13-20 who die in a car accident in 2012 did not wear a seatbelt at a time. Accident point.

Add cinnamon at breakfast

Try for cinnamon in yogurt, oatmeal, cereals or even coffee for breakfast. Cinnamon is one of the very healthy foods such as anti-cancer, brain tonic, treatment of respiratory diseases, preventing tooth decay, improving immune system . Especially, people with diabetes There should be a diet that includes cinnamon regularly because it reduces blood sugar.


Picture 2 of 60 seconds helps you stay healthy

If you don't have time to attend fitness classes, learn some basic yoga poses and keep that posture for a minute, your health will also improve significantly. For example, fixed posture, you just sit up straight, stretching your legs under the carpet. In just one minute, this posture helps relieve back pain and neck pain.

Wear sunscreen

Nearly 5 million Americans are treating skin cancer every year and sun exposure is one of the biggest causes of the disease. Regular sunscreen protection can protect skin not only from the sun, but also signs of aging, reducing the risk of skin cancer.

Keep a board

Every day, keep a board high for a minute. This is a way to help you exercise, avoid back pain and improve posture.