Artificial intelligence (AI) has surprised us once again, this time with its ability to simulate handwriting.

If you're looking to organize and plan things neatly, there are dozens of mobile apps that can help you remember the important things in life. But what if the best way to memorize

It can be said that,

A recent study has shown that it is the slower manual writing that will help us learn more effectively.

Even handwriting can be used to identify potential health problems, including schizophrenia or high blood pressure as well as the owner's current energy level.

People who like to study by writing on a computer screen should change to writing by hand if they want to be more effective.

Experts from the University of Stavanger (Norway) found that the process of putting pen on paper and reading a book seemed to inculcate knowledge into the brain better than using a

According to the South China Morning Post, doctors believe that touch screens on phones and tablets are preventing children's fingers from fully developing so that they can write

These are tips from experts to see that technology enthusiasts are losing their ability to read the problem.

In today's technological age, any text editor has moved from handwriting to typing because the typing speed is always faster and significantly more effective than handwriting.